Emirates International University



Tuesday, 08 September, 2020
The president of the university inaugurates the electronic correction system and hears from the members of the committee the mechanism of the system

The president of the university inaugurates the electronic correction system and hears from the members of the committee the mechanism of the system's work University

media University

President Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim inaugurated today, Tuesday, the university’s electronic correction system, in the presence of members of the Higher Supervisory Committee for Examinations, members of the correction committee, and a number of members of the sub-committees of control in the faculties. The President of the University heard from the Chairman of the Electronic Correction Committee, Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, a detailed explanation of the special procedures followed during the electronic correction process for the final exams for the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020. He started with the process of preparing students' documents from the control database to the process of correction and signing the results. During the inauguration, the president of the university praised the role played by the committee, then pointed out that the application of the electronic correction system, starting from the second semester, comes within the university's directions towards electronic and smart education and raising the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process in implementation of the outputs of the university's strategy 2025. The president of the university stressed that the MCQ exams system measures the abilities of remembering, understanding and various students’ skills, and the use of the electronic correction system achieves transparency, justice, accuracy and complete confidentiality in the correction process, shortening the correction time to the maximum degree, speeding up the process of announcing the results and facilitating the grievance process for students through the device’s retention of students’ data and answer sheets. Last week, the university carried out a training workshop on preparing questions using the multiple-choice MCQ method, in which the deans of faculties, heads of departments and a number of faculty members and their assistants at the university participated, which aimed to train the staff on the mechanism by which exams are set using the multiple-choice MCQ method.