Emirates International University



Monday, 12 October, 2020
Accounting major

Accounting major

About the specialty: Accounting is one of the main disciplines in the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, and this specialization was opened for the purpose of preparing qualified and distinguished cadres in the accounting and auditing specialization and preparing outputs that meet the requirements of the labor market. General objectives of the program: Providing students with special knowledge in the field of accounting and other related fields. Providing students with the scientific skills necessary to practice the accounting profession. Building the students’ personal and behavioral capabilities to enable them to work in various accounting fields. Developing the skills of analysis, research and critical thinking among students in the accounting field Fields of work for graduates of the accounting program: First: the government sector with its various bodies and institutions. Second: The private sector of all kinds. Third: The banking sector of all kinds, from traditional and Islamic commercial banks, investment banks, in addition to exchange companies. Fourth: Accounting and auditing offices.