Emirates International University



Monday, 26 October, 2020
Honoring and Farewell Ceremony for Dr. Khalil Al-Wajih, Former Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology

Honoring and Farewell Ceremony for Dr. Khalil Al-Wajih, Former Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology

University media

Today, Monday, the Emirates International University organized a farewell ceremony to honor and bid farewell to the former Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, Prof. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, in gratitude and appreciation for his efforts during his tenure at the university. At the ceremony, which was attended by the university leadership and its employees, the president of the university, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, welcomed the attendees, pointing out that the organization of the modest celebration is an extension of the fraternal relations between the university’s affiliates, and an appreciation and honor for everyone who worked in it with sincerity and dedication, in order to enhance the university’s position among its peers, wishing Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh Good luck and success in his future career. For his part, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Secretary General of the University, pointed to the leadership and moral qualities that distinguished Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, sincerity, humility, and good brotherly dealings with his colleagues, workers and students, and the effective imprint he left in the college and among all university employees during his work period. Wishing him more success in his future life. In turn, Prof. Khalil Al-Wajeeh expressed his thanks and appreciation to the presidency of the Board of Trustees, the presidency of the university and the general secretariat for the good treatment he received during his tenure at the university and the efforts they made in providing the necessary support for the implementation of the college's plans and programs, expressing his commitment to the feelings of sincerity and loyalty to this pioneering university. And expressing his sincere thanks and gratitude to all university members for this generous gesture represented in the honoring and farewell ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh was honored with the university's commemorative shield and a certificate of appreciation in appreciation of his efforts and dedication during his work period.