Emirates International University



Monday, 02 November, 2020
Chaired by His Excellency the Minister - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center, the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the First Conference of E-Learning in Higher Education Institutions.

Chaired by His Excellency the Minister - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center, the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the First Conference of E-Learning in Higher Education Institutions.

University media

Follow up Towards “Innovative Learning.. for a Promising Future” His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Chairman of the Board, Mr. Hussein Ali Hazeb, and in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education - Vice Chairman of the Board, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, chaired today, Sunday, the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Special Conference E-Learning (Reality and Aspirations) scheduled to be held on 11/11/2020 AD, and organized by the Information Technology Center in Higher Education in partnership with the Emirates International University in its first session, which aims to evaluate the e-learning experience during the period of facing the Corona pandemic in light of the controls set by the Ministry to complete The educational process of the past academic year and benefiting from it in developing higher education strategies in the field of e-learning by creating opportunities for cooperation between governmental and private higher education institutions and relevant government institutions within the framework of the capabilities offered by the national communication system. During the meeting, His Excellency the Minister, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, stressed that the conference comes to continue improving, developing and implementing international accreditation standards to ensure the quality of study programs at the national level in the field of e-learning; In addition to providing an opportunity to review and discuss the latest developments related to the field of digital education, stressing the high interest that the political leadership attaches to this event and its importance in implementing the ambitious national vision aimed at raising the level of education in the country. The Deputy Minister, Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, also stressed the importance of the conference and taking into account raising the level of quality in the implementation of the conference in its first version by focusing on the objectivity of inputs from visions and studies along with scientific papers so that the conference appears in an appropriate way. In the context, the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee, Dr. Fouad Hassan Abdel Razzaq, explained the ideas and aspirations related to the conference and its impact on the educational process, and presented concrete models for teaching electronic courses, reviewing the preparations that have been made and appreciating the initiative of the leadership of the UAE University in the consultative meeting of private universities with the leadership of the Ministry, which was held recently in its preparation Actual partnership for the success of the conference. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, a member of the committee and the president of the UAE University, stressed that the university’s initiative aims primarily to create a real partnership with the ministry represented by the center towards serving the educational process in the country in light of the university’s strategy aimed at serving the educational sector and strengthening the positive relationship with its institutions. It is worth noting that the conference will address, through scientific sessions and panel discussions, many issues and problems facing e-learning in general, e-learning and education technology in particular in light of the Corona pandemic, in addition to discussing the reality of e-learning and the possibilities available and anticipating its future and the challenges it faces as a source of continuing education, treatments and procedures. that enables national educational institutions to implement it and benefit from its application. The meeting was attended by brothers Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qanas, and Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Rawdi and Dr. Abdullah Al-Qadmi, member of the Supervisory Committee. Brothers, members of the Preparatory Committee, Dr. Mohammed Al-Shammari, d. Musa Ghorab, Dr. Numan Fayrouz, d. Khalil Al-Khatib, Dr. Mousa Ghorab, A. Fouad Al-Hada, a. Mahmoud El-Silwy, Prof. Yasmine Saqqaf. It is the scientific committee d. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, the meeting was also attended by the organizational and security assistance committees, Prof. Muhammad Zahra, and Colonel Salah Al-Adla, a. Omar Al-Ansi.