Emirates International University



Monday, 16 November, 2020
The Ministry of Higher Education honors all employees and participants in the organizing committees of the e-learning conference

The Ministry of Higher Education honors all employees and participants in the organizing committees of the e-learning conference

University media

Today, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Information Technology Center honored the heads and members of the committees and all employees who contributed to the organization and success of the first scientific conference for e-learning, reality and aspirations, with shields and certificates of appreciation. During the honoring, Minister of Higher Education Hussain Hazeb praised the efforts made to make the conference a success, particularly the Information Technology Center and the UAE University for their sponsorship and support for the conference. Which took the initiative during the meeting of private universities, noting that the partnership is open to work with all public and private universities on various aspects. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Conference, Executive Director of the Information Technology Center, Dr. Fouad Hassan, praised the role of the Minister of Higher Education, his interest and follow-up to the success of the conference. While the university president, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, stressed the university's keenness to create a partnership with all relevant authorities and contribute to the adoption of activities aimed at raising the level of higher education in Yemen.