Emirates International University



Wednesday, 20 January, 2021
Training course for internship students at the Department of Dentistry on Rotary Endodontics

University media

The University’s College of Dentistry organized a training course for internship students from the department’s graduates on endodontic skills with the modern rotary system, for 28 male and female students. The training course, in which the trainer, Dr. Muhammad Al-Dawla, lectured, aimed to provide a comprehensive idea of ​​the modern rotary technology in the treatment of dental pulp, in a way that would enable students to practice, deal with different clinical cases and keep pace with the development in this field. The university is keen to provide all support and care for such targeted courses in applied fields that contribute to the distinction of students and give them practical experience during their studies at the university and qualify them to engage in the labor market with merit. The opening of the course was attended by the head of the dental department, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shami, the internship program official, Dr. Haitham Al-Kamim, the college coordinator, Dr. Azal Atef, and Dr. Abdel-Qader Zabara.