Emirates International University



Thursday, 28 January, 2021
Holding a workshop to review and develop academic programs for the faculties of engineering and administrative sciences at the university

University media

Today, Thursday, the Emirates International University held a workshop to review and develop academic programs in the faculties of "Engineering, Information Technology, and Administrative and Financial Sciences" under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. At the opening of the workshop, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Hussein Ali Hazeb, praised the pioneering steps taken by the Emirates International University in building its capabilities, improving its performance, and modernizing and developing its academic programs in accordance with the national reference standards (nars) in line with global developments and meeting the needs of the labor market. The Minister of Higher Education stressed the importance of relying on planning, modernization and development in setting strategies and academic and program development in response to global changes.. He indicated that the university, which depends in its work on strategic planning, will achieve success and excellence in providing its services to students and the community and earn it a good reputation and a high position locally and abroad. He pointed out that constructive and effective competition between universities should be based on the application of quality assurance standards that qualify them to obtain local and international academic recognition, noting the universities that have updated and developed their academic programs in the same direction to enhance their performance, develop their capabilities and keep pace with global developments in this field. The Minister called the owner of Yemeni universities to follow the example of the UAE University and take the initiative in reviewing and evaluating their own situation and preparing modern strategies, plans and programs that would enable them to raise their efficiency, enhance their performance and improve their outcomes in line with the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state. For his part, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, welcomed the Minister of Higher Education and the Ministry’s leadership of agents and advisors, as well as all the attendees and participants, stressing that the process of development and modernization in the academic programs of all the university’s faculties and specialized departments is continuing to keep pace with the current developments and meet the needs of the labor market in accordance with the university’s strategy 2025 with full support and continuous follow-up From the University’s Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Board, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya. The president of the university indicated that the participants in the workshop, including experts and consultants, will review and develop the academic programs of the College of Engineering and Information Technology in the disciplines of "medical and architectural equipment engineering, and civil, and information technology" and the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences in the disciplines of "accounting, financial and banking sciences, and business administration" from During mini-workshops for each program, follow the inaugural workshop. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim pointed out that the UAE University in Sana'a seeks to become one of the leading universities nationally and regionally distinguished through leadership in the programs it offers, working with high professionalism in accordance with the principle of transparency and clarity, and finding qualified outputs capable of competing in the local and regional labor market. For his part, Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi reviewed the objectives and themes of the workshop, the mechanism of work and the methodology for reviewing and developing the academic programs of the Faculties of Engineering, Information Technology, and Administrative and Financial Sciences. The inaugural workshop was attended by: the Undersecretary for the Educational Affairs Sector, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, the Scientific Research Sector, Dr. Sadiq Al-Sharaji, the Executive Director of the Information Technology Center, Dr. Fouad Hassan, the Director General of Private Education Institutions in the Ministry, Mr. Fouad Al-Hadda, the Minister’s Advisor Mahmoud Al-Silwi, and the Secretary General of the Union of National Universities Dr. Mohammed V Al-Mikhlafi, the deans of the faculties, the university’s faculty members and a group of experts in various engineering and administrative disciplines.