Emirates International University



Wednesday, 18 August, 2021
A mini-workshop to learn about the mechanism of dealing and entering the block system - human medicine in the student affairs system

University media
Yesterday, Tuesday, 17/8/2021, the Information Systems Unit at the university organized a mini-workshop to learn about the mechanism of dealing and entering the block system - human medicine in the student affairs system. Where Eng. Faiq Al-Hamoudi, Director of Al-Imtiaz Systems and Software Company, reviewed the mechanism of entering and calculating the grades of blocks or courses from the reality of the study plan for the human medicine program with the block system. The university had completed all the internal procedures related to the transition from the traditional system to the block system in the field of human medicine, starting from the academic year 2021-2022 AD for new students. Where the university formed advisory and specialized committees and organized a number of workshops to describe the program and courses in accordance with the requirements of the transition and the national reference standards for human medicine prepared by the Academic Accreditation Council and the quality assurance of higher education, and the requirements of WFME The workshop was attended by the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, the Vice President of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, the Vice Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr. Sadiq Abdel-Mughni, the Dean of the Quality Center, Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, the Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of the Information Systems Unit, the Director of Audit and Audit, the Head of the Student Accounts Department, the Central Control Officer and the official Media.