Emirates International University



Thursday, 22 April, 2021
Development and Quality Assurance Center organizes a workshop to assess the experience of electronic tests and corrections



University media

Today, Thursday, the University's Center for Development and Quality Assurance organized a workshop to evaluate the experience of electronic tests and correction at the university "for the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020 and the second semester of the academic year 2020-2021 AD". At the opening of the workshop, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, stressed the importance of implementing a self-evaluation of all work at the university, in order to contribute to the development of performance in accordance with the university’s strategy 2025 with regard to aspects of automation and with the full support of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Council, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, who attaches great importance to this aspect. Pointing out that the evaluation of the electronic correction process that the university has pursued during the past two semesters comes to identify the strengths, enhance any shortcomings, and work to enhance and enrich the experience according to the latest methods and procedures in force in this field and according to the latest quality standards. The workshop was carried out by Dr. Sharaf Abdel Haq Al-Hamdi, Acting Dean of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, Chairman of the Electronic Correction Committee at the university, where he gave a presentation on the importance of electronic correction, in terms of saving time and effort, facilitating the process of statistics, sorting and analysis at all levels, and providing a database for exams that includes all levels, specializations and courses . He also explained the advantages of the electronic correction systems used, as well as the distribution of tasks and competencies between the work of the committee and the controls in the faculties, and what the committee did during the previous stage of work, and training workshops on using the system, as well as making questions by means of multiple choice (MCQ). Then he reviewed the strengths and weaknesses from the reality of what was done during the previous period. The agenda of the workshop, which started at 1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., included the opening of discussion by the participants. The workshop is scheduled to conclude next Saturday, April 24. The workshop was attended by Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Vice President of the University through the "Visual Communication Department", and Prof. Saleh Al Dhaheri, Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Dr. Hatem Al-Deais, Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, and Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, heads of academic departments at the university’s faculties, acting dean of student affairs, director of academic affairs, director of information systems unit, director of media, administrative director, head and members of central control and sub-controls, college coordinators, directors of departments and heads of departments The concerned administration of the university.