Emirates International University



Monday, 21 June, 2021
The College of Engineering organizes the inauguration ceremony and the announcement of the student chapter of the Society of International Petroleum Engineers (SPE) at the Emirates International University

University media

The College of Engineering and Information Technology at the University organized this morning, Monday morning, under the patronage of Prof. Najib Al-Kumaim, the President of the University, the inauguration ceremony and the announcement of the student chapter of the Society of International Petroleum Engineers (SPE) at the Emirates International University, College of Engineering - Department of Oil and Gas Engineering. At the beginning of the ceremony, which began with a verse from the Holy Quran, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, welcomed the attendees and participants in the inauguration ceremony, congratulating the students and all university employees for this scientific achievement that enhances the university’s position at the local, regional and international levels, and is added to a series of achievements the university has achieved in various aspects. Academic and administrative studies, in accordance with the strategic directions of the university emanating from its 2025 strategy, and with the support of the university’s Board of Trustees and the head of the council, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya. The President of the University praised the efforts made by the Dean of the College of Engineering, the Presidency of the Oil and Gas Engineering Department, and the leadership of the Chapter Student Association at the university, in order to join the university and accept its membership, pointing to the importance of maintaining this achievement, calling on students to benefit from what the association offers and to strive towards acquiring knowledge through studies and research. And platforms, conferences, symposia and all scientific aspects that benefit students and knowledge. For his part, Dr. Hatem Al-Deais, Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university, pointed out the importance of the university joining the International Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), because of its importance as a link between the department’s students and petroleum engineers at the regional and international levels, and for the scientific advantages offered by the society to students, praising the support of the President The university and his efforts, as well as the efforts of the head of the oil and gas engineering department and the chapter student leadership at the university, in order to achieve this scientific achievement. For his part, Dr. Ibrahim Ali Farea, Head of the Oil and Gas Engineering Department, Supervisor of the Chapter of the Emirates University at SPE, explained the steps and stages that the chapter went through in establishing the chapter in the college and working as a team until the chapter was approved in February 2021 AD, with the support of the University Presidency and the Deanship of the College. Dr. Ibrahim Farea added that the university’s chapter includes 115 members and is part of an association that includes 154 thousand members in 143 countries, pointing to the implementation of a number of virtual events during the previous period, and the registration of attendance in many events and competitions organized by the association. The ceremony included live and video speeches by speakers concerned in the field of petroleum engineering from various petroleum companies that are members of SPE, as well as speeches by the university's student chapter leadership, and a reportage presentation of the chapter, its importance and the advantages it offers to its student affiliates. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the deans of the faculties of engineering and administrative sciences, a number of heads of scientific departments in the faculties, a number of academic and administrative staff, faculty members and students from various departments of the college of engineering at the university. And the leadership of the university student forum at the university, in addition to a number of engineers in the petroleum field from various relevant authorities. At the end of the event, the President of the University, the Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology and the Head of the Oil and Gas Engineering Department were honored by the leadership of the UAE University chapter, in addition to the university honoring the student leadership of the chapter at the university.