Emirates International University



Wednesday, 15 September, 2021
The second information technology center board of directors with the participation of the university president, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, member of the board of directors

The President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, participated in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Information Technology Center, which was held this morning at Ibb University, headed by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Hussein Hazeb and the Governor Abdul Wahed Salah. Where the meeting discussed the report of the Executive Committee of the previous session submitted by the Executive Director of the Center, Dr. Fouad Abdel Razek, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, the Undersecretary of the Ministry, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, and the Deputy Governors, Abdel Fattah Ghallab and Yahya Al Qasimi. He also discussed the work and tasks implemented and the difficulties that faced the work of the Council during the last period. The meeting, which included the President of Ibb University, Dr. Tariq Al-Mansoub, and the heads of public and private universities, reviewed a report on the progress of the coordination and admission process through the electronic portal and the Student Affairs System (SAR). The meeting obliged the public and private universities to work according to this unified system and the speed of the universities entering their data through it. The meeting dealt with what was done regarding the classification of majors and programs in higher education institutions and took appropriate measures in this regard. The attendees stood before the proposed mechanism for paying the center's dues from activities fees and its indebtedness to universities for the period from 2016 to 2021, and approved the required treatments in this regard. The meeting approved the start of implementing the project to establish an electronic portal for postgraduate studies. The meeting stopped before the report on the continuous training project for employees of public and private universities and the preparations for holding the second e-learning conference in higher education institutions. In the meeting, Minister Hazeb praised the efforts and plans drawn for the development and improvement of university and academic education. Minister Hazeb stressed the importance of reflecting these plans on the practical reality, translating the ministry's strategy, and keeping pace with the aspirations of the national vision to build the modern Yemeni state. In turn, the governor of Ibb welcomed the holding of this meeting in the governorate, pointing to the importance of activating communication between public and private universities through workshops and periodic meetings and focusing on supporting scientific research and directing its output for the benefit of the country and development. The meeting was attended by the Vice Presidents of the University: Dr. Abdullah Al-Falahi, Dr. Fouad Hassan, Dr. Ahmed Abu Lahoum, and the Secretary of the University, Abdul-Malik Al-Saqqaf.