Emirates International University



Saturday, 18 September, 2021
Continuing discussion of graduation projects for students of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university

University media

The College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university continues to discuss a number of student graduation projects from a number of college departments, in the presence of the Dean of the College and Head of the Mechatronics Engineering Department, Dr. Hatem Al-Daeis. Where graduation projects submitted by students of mechatronics engineering were discussed as follows: A project submitted by the students of the department, which is a sidewalk painting robot. ( Pavement marking Tele robot ) (PMTR) To be controlled by the phone and then set to work automatically so that the robot performs all the tasks as it is considered self-propelled and works for the purpose of saving effort and time in addition to the means of accuracy, security and safety, and providing it with a number of smart algorithms to do the work appropriately. The project aims to build a robot that will paint the sidewalks. Get tasks done with lower costs and less effort. And the way the robot works: the starting and ending line are drawn, and the robot is directed and controlled via an application in the phone to the starting line. After the robot is directed to the starting line, it is automatically started. After the automatic operation, the laser sensor is cut off to be able to operate the air pump and clean the pavement through an equipped pipe. With an air compressor to be able to run the process well and appropriately. The project was implemented by the students: Elias Nasser Al-Majidi, Amir Hisham Al-Dhahabani, Hamza Abdullah Nejad, Jamil Jamal Al-Marqab, Abdullah Sharaf Muhammad, and supervised by: Prof. Dr. Khalil Saeed Al-Wajeeh and M. Hossam Ghanem and M. Marwan El Sayad A project submitted by the students of the Mechatronics Department was also discussed: Autonomous Mobile Robot (ARM) for Indoor and Outdoor Applications It is a self-driving robot for use in indoor and open areas (buildings) prepared by students: Jamila Allaw, Samah Pasha, Abdul-Malik Al-Adla, Alaa Al-Halali and Muhannad Al-Madhaji, and supervised by Prof. Farouk Al Fahidi and M. Rana Al-Areeqi, and the discussion committee, Prof. Dr. Farouk Al-Fahidi as supervisor, Prof. Dr. Radwan Al-Bazhai and Dr. Hatem Al-Deais, Dean of the College of Engineering. The project is a self-driving robot as it can be used in indoor or open spaces such as streets, as it was designed to suit the external environment based on its mechanical structural design. Its location, explore and build maps of the surrounding environment, then choose the shortest route, then move and reach the goal. This project has been designed and programmed to automatically reach the target and track it with overcoming obstacles without any human intervention. Through artificial intelligence, it was implemented in an external delivery application using GPS and building a customer database with building an interface application using php to read and match customer data to open the safe to ensure safe and sound product access. A project submitted by the students of the Information Technology Department was discussed, the Best Students project, which is an electronic system that facilitates follow-up for parents and students, as well as facilitating data entry for teachers, through which it facilitates the process of student follow-up. Through a school mobile application for parents and students to inquire about data related to the student and for teachers to enter data for student follow-up. The application is an interactive environment that develops educational follow-up. The project was submitted by the students: Ghadeer Ali Ismail Al-Nakhlani and Reem Rashid Al-Husseini, and it was supervised by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hijami.