Emirates International University



Sunday, 03 October, 2021
Continuing discussion of graduation research for students of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university

University media

The Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university continues to discuss the graduation research for the students of the faculty, in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, Head of the Management Information Systems Department, and Dr. Fahmy Al-Daqaf, Head of the Accounting Department and Teaching Assistants at the faculty, Prof. Visions of the Mujahid and a. Safaa Al Bahlouli and a. Samah Hassan and a number of faculty members. A number of research papers submitted by students in various departments of the college were discussed during the past week and the beginning of this week, as follows: The first research, submitted by students of the Department of International Business, entitled: Intellectual capital and its impact on competitive advantage in service organizations. Presented by the students: Maysoon Izzi Sarhan Al-Azani, Nada Muhammad Lutf Al-Roni, Enas Muhammad Salem Al-Misbahi and Sarah Hayel Ali Al-Absi And Jawaher Nasser Ali Al-Qara and the supervision of Dr. Khaled Nasser Mohammed Al-Hajj. The second research, submitted by students of the International Business Administration Department, was entitled: Elements of Small Business Success. Presented by the students: Zaid Abu Hadi, Akram Al-Bashir, Abdul Rahman Al-Bashir, Noureddin Al-Bashir, Muhammad Hussein Nasher, Muhammad Al-Adla and Ayman Al-Khulani. And the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali. The third research submitted by students of the Department of Financial and Banking Sciences was entitled: The Role of Electronic Banking Services in Achieving Competitive Advantage. Presented by the students: Muhammad Abdullah Al-Tal, Ismat Al-Qadimi, Uday Al-Manari, Hussam Adel Al-Shaibani, and Hassan Muhammad Abdul-Qader. And the supervision of Dr. Fahmy Al-Daqqaf. The fourth research submitted by the students of the Accounting Department entitled: The role of accounting information systems in making financial decisions. Presented by the students: Zayed Al-Hamidi, Akram Al-Shaibani, Hudhayfa Al-Silwi, Hamoud Al-Fateh, Shehab Al-Omari and Ali Hathrah. And the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Hammoud. The fifth research was submitted by students of the Accounting Department, entitled: The role of tax exemptions in attracting investments. Presented by the students: Ahmed Saleh Al-Mughrabi, Mujahid Hammoud Al-Mughrabi and Murad Hammoud Al-Mughrabi. And the supervision of Professor Nashwan Ghalis.