Emirates International University



Tuesday, 03 September, 2024
A specialized seminar on applied petroleum geophysics for oil and gas students within the activities of the Scientific Week of the College of Engineering

Specialized seminar on applied petroleum geophysics for oil and gas students as part of the activities of the College of Engineering's Scientific Week


University Media


This morning, the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the Emirates International University organized a specialized scientific seminar entitled "Applied Petroleum Geophysics" for the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering as part of the activities of the College's Scientific Week.


The seminar aimed to highlight the importance of geophysics in oil and gas exploration operations, and to introduce the attendees to the latest technologies used in this field.


The seminar, presented by Engineer Jaafar Hassan Hamid, explained the concept of exploratory geophysics and its importance in identifying potential locations for oil and gas reserves. The types of seismic waves used in geophysical surveys were also reviewed, and how they interact with subsurface rock layers.


The seminar also provided a detailed explanation of the different types of seismic surveys, how they are used to obtain three-dimensional images of the subsurface geological structure, and the different steps that raw seismic data goes through until they are converted into useful geological images.


 The seminar also provided a detailed presentation of the types of systems used in collecting seismic data, including cable systems and cableless systems. It also touched on the advantages of Cable & Cableless systems. And the most important equipment and devices used in implementing petroleum geophysical surveys. 


The seminar was attended by the Dean of the College, Dr. Ibrahim Fareh, Head of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering, Professor Dr. Hani Damaj, Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Coordinator of the Oil and Gas Departments, Eng. Muhammad Osama, and the Training Center Officer, Mr. Fathi Salman, and a group of experts, researchers and faculty members in the field of oil and gas engineering, in addition to a number of students from the Departments of Oil and Gas and Chemical Engineering. 





