Emirates International University



Friday, 09 August, 2024
Seminar on Quality Control of Petroleum and Gas Derivatives and Control of Petroleum Losses During Transportation and Storage for Chemical Engineering Students

Seminar on Quality Control of Petroleum and Gas Derivatives and Control of Petroleum Losses during Transportation and Storage for Chemical Engineering Students


University Media


The Department of Chemical Engineering at the College of Engineering and Information Technology and the Training and Rehabilitation Center, within the framework of preparing qualified graduates for the labor market, organized a specialized seminar for students of the Chemical Engineering Department entitled "Quality Control of Petroleum and Gas Derivatives and Control of Petroleum Losses during Transportation and Storage".


The seminar, presented by international oil expert Engineer Abdullah Ali Shaqhan, aimed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the oil and gas industry, one of the most important economic sectors in the world. The seminar addressed vital topics on physical standards and chemical composition for classifying oil and its petroleum derivatives and the effective and direct role in monitoring the quality of oil, petroleum and gas products, treating deficits (losses) during transportation and storage, treating corrosion, and classifying hazardous flammable and toxic chemicals in their preservation and storage methods.


 During the inauguration of the symposium, the university president, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofri, stressed the university's commitment to providing high-quality education that keeps pace with the requirements of the labor market and enhances the competencies of graduates to enable them to compete in the local and regional labor market, especially in the energy sector, which is a fundamental pillar of the national economy. 


The symposium also addressed the role of the chemical engineer, which is represented in working and participating in implementing laboratory tests and monitoring the quality of petroleum products in the production unit and export and unloading ports, based on his knowledge and familiarity with commercial standards for classifying crude oil and gas, examining the quality certificate, and reviewing the accounts of exported and imported oil and gas tankers. Working and participating in determining the type of tanks used to store petroleum and gas products according to their density and volatility rate. Participating with designers in determining the type of pumps used in transporting petroleum and gas products through the pipeline, and working and participating in calibrating tanks and meters and verifying the validity of their results. 


 The seminar was attended by the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, Dr. Hani Damaj, the Dean of the Development and Quality Assurance Center, Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, the Head of the Information Technology Department, Dr. Adnan Al-Mutawakel, Dr. Mulfi Al-Qamish, the Evaluation Officer at the Quality Center, the Training and Rehabilitation Center Officer, Eng. Fathi Salman, and a number of experts and specialized chemical engineers concerned with various relevant bodies and students of the department from different levels. 





