Emirates International University



Tuesday, 30 July, 2024
Scientific visit of the Department of Architecture, third level, to the Saudi German Hospital

A scientific visit for the Department of Architecture, Level 3, to the Saudi German Hospital


University Media


Today, Tuesday, the Department of Architecture at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the University carried out a scientific visit for the students of the third level of the department, accompanied by Dr. Samira Al-Shawish, Professor of Architectural Design 4, and Engineer Nada Al-Sarouri.


This visit comes within the framework of the scientific visits program organized by the department for its students to introduce them to the latest technologies and practices used in the design and construction of hospitals. The students toured the hospital, where they saw different departments such as the emergency department, the operations department, and the intensive care department. They listened to an explanation from specialists and professors of the department about planning the hospital and discovering the functional relationships and how to sequence the departments and link them together.


At the end of the visit, the students expressed their happiness with this visit, as they were able to learn about the latest technologies used in the field of medical architecture, and they also gained valuable information about the needs of patients and how to design hospitals that meet these needs. They thanked the management of the Saudi German Hospital for their cooperation in organizing this visit.





