Emirates International University



Tuesday, 16 July, 2024
The university's Training and Qualification Center carries out a workshop on scientific and methodological methods for preparing student graduation projects

The university's Training and Qualification Center carries out a workshop on scientific and methodological methods for preparing student graduation projects 


 University media 


 The Training and Qualification Center at the UAE University, in cooperation with West Academy, organized, Tuesday morning, a workshop on scientific and methodological methods for preparing student graduation projects for fourth-level students in various disciplines of the College of Engineering. 


 The workshop, in which students from various disciplines of the university’s College of Engineering participated, and a number of students from public and private universities, aimed to introduce students to the importance of graduation projects and their role in refining their research and scientific skills, and to provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare successful graduation projects that comply with scientific and academic standards. 


 At the opening of the workshop, the President of the University, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, stressed the importance of graduation projects in enhancing students’ scientific and research capabilities, and preparing them to enter the labor market, noting that this workshop will contribute to enhancing students’ skills and directing them towards preparing high-quality graduation projects that contribute to providing Knowledge, meeting the needs of society, and developing various engineering fields. 


 The university president indicated that this workshop comes within a series of programs and events organized by the center to enhance students’ capabilities and develop their skills, and help them acquire the skills necessary for success in their academic and practical lives. 


 The workshop, presented by engineer Ohoud Samir, included theoretical lectures and practical exercises on the various stages of preparing graduation projects, starting with selecting the project and ending with writing the final report and presenting the project. Emphasis was also placed on the importance of documenting information and sources correctly, using various scientific research tools, and documenting aspects of project implementation in a sound scientific manner. 


 The workshop received active participation from the students, who expressed their benefit from the information and skills that were presented to them during the workshop. 



