Emirates International University



Thursday, 06 June, 2024
Launching the Scientific Week to discuss graduation projects for students of the College of Engineering and Information Technology

Launching the Scientific Week to discuss graduation projects for students of the College of Engineering and Information Technology 


 University media 


 Today, Thursday, the College of Engineering and Information Technology launched its scientific week to discuss graduation projects for college students in all its specializations, for the academic year 1445 AH, corresponding to 2023-2024 AD. This was in the presence of the President of the University, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Fouad Ismail Hanash, the Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Ibrahim Farea, the Head of the Mechatronics Department, Dr. Radwan Al-Budhaji, the Head of the Information Technology Department, Dr. Adnan Al-Mutawakel, the Head of the Medical Equipment Department, Dr. Muhammad Al-Ulafi, and the Head of the Department of Mechatronics, Dr. The Department of Cybersecurity includes Dr. Jamil Rashid, Dr. Farouk Al Fahidi, a faculty member in the department, and a number of student graduation project supervisors, faculty members, and their assistants at the college. 


 At the opening, the President of the University, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, confirmed that the University is keen to support scientific research and innovation, and that the Scientific Week for discussing graduation projects is one of the most important events that support these goals. 


 The university president added that graduation projects are a great opportunity for students to practically apply the knowledge they have acquired during their years of study, and develop their research skills and abilities. 


 He noted the importance of this year’s student graduation projects being equal to the previous year’s projects, of which 7 projects were published in the national competition, and three projects won first places and grand prizes. He extended his thanks and appreciation to the dean of the college, the heads of departments, and all its staff, for their efforts in making the students excel. 



 The first day witnessed the discussion of two projects from the Medical Equipment Engineering Department. The first project was:

 A system and application of lung cancer diagnosis using machine learning methods based on axial imaging images known as CT scan. 


 It is a set of software models used to diagnose lung cancer and determine the type of cancer using deep learning models in artificial intelligence using convolutional neural networks (CNN), as well as a pre-trained network from the Google research team (EfficientNet). 



 The project was submitted by the students: Hamid Al-Qubati, Muhammad Baligh, Rafiq Al-Maliki, and Rataj Abu Talib... and supervised by A.M.D. Muhammad Al-Alfi and A.M.D. Farouk Al Fahidi. A.M.D. participated in discussing the project. Radwan Al-Budhaji. 


 The second project discussed today was: a system for monitoring various medical environments in hospitals using the Internet of Things. 


 It is an intelligent monitoring system for monitoring the hospital environment based on the Internet of Things and employing various environmental sensors such as temperature, humidity, and others that read the environmental state and send it to ESP32 microcontrollers. 



 The project was submitted by the students: Shaker Mojmal, Moataz Sidqi, Nasr Badi, Muhammad Al-Aqel, Ibrahim Al-Hatar, and Iskandar Al-Shaibani. It is supervised by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Olafi. A.M.D. participated in discussing the project. Radwan Al-Budhaji. 


