Emirates International University



Tuesday, 28 May, 2024
Higher Education honors the winners of the Holy Qur’an competition among Yemeni university students, which was organized by the Ministry in partnership with the Emirati University.

Higher Education honors the winners of the Holy Qur’an competition among Yemeni university students, which was organized by the Ministry in partnership with the Emirati University. 


 University media 


 Today, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research honored the Yemeni university students who won first places in the second competitive competition in the field of the “Holy Qur’an” for the year 1445 AH.


 Participated in the competition, which was organized over three days by the Educational Affairs Sector of the Ministry of Higher Education in cooperation with the Emirates International University within the framework of the scientific and cultural competitive competition within the National Vision Projects. “The entire Qur’an, 20, 10 and five parts.” 


 In the honor, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the caretaker government, Mr. Hussein Hazeb, pointed out the importance of the role of student activities and cultural, scientific and sports competitions in enhancing partnership and strengthening cultural and scientific ties between university students. 


 He stressed the importance of the Holy Qur’an competition among university students and arming them with knowledge and Quranic culture, from which the Yemenis derive strength and steadfastness in confronting the nation’s enemies and their lackeys in the region... indicating that the steadfastness and bravery of the Palestinian resistance in the face of the most powerful military arsenal on the face of the earth, comes thanks to their adherence to the Book of God and faith in supporting His servants. Believers. 


 Minister Hazeb praised the efforts that contributed to the success of the second competition in the field of the Holy Qur’an among student activities, which were absent in universities during the previous period, considering student activities and competitions as part of the university’s mission to care for young people, nurture them, and develop the spirit of creativity, competition, and innovation among them in the scientific, cultural, and sports fields. 


 For his part, the Undersecretary for Educational Affairs Sector, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qanis, explained that cultural activities and scientific competitions contributed to activating students, developing their intellectual and physical abilities, and not leaving them hostage between the book, the university, and home.

 He pointed out that the current year's plan included the implementation of more than 35 programs in various fields. 


 In turn, the President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, pointed out the importance of the Holy Quran Competition in its second edition among university students to emphasize the importance of adhering to the Holy Quran, memorizing it, reciting it, reciting it, contemplating its meanings, applying its commands, and avoiding its prohibitions to ensure achieving victory and success in this world and the hereafter. 


 In conclusion, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, along with the Ministry’s leaders, honored the students, presidents and representatives of the winning universities in the second competition in the field of the Holy Qur’an for the year 1445 AH, with sums of money, commemorative shields, and certificates of participation, followed by honoring the UAE University with the Ministry’s shield in appreciation and gratitude for its contribution to supporting, sponsoring and making the competition a success. 


 The winners in the entire Qur’an category were honored with certificates and shields and given free seats. The male and female students who won the first three places in the second Holy Qur’an competition for the “20, 10, and five parts” categories were also honored with shields and certificates.


