Emirates International University



Wednesday, 24 April, 2024
The UAE University organizes a symposium entitled: Palestine is the nation’s central issue - the nation’s duties to support the Palestinian people

The UAE University organizes a symposium entitled: Palestine is the nation’s central issue - the nation’s duties to support the Palestinian people


 University media


 On Wednesday morning, the Emirates International University organized a symposium entitled “Palestine is the nation’s central issue - the nation’s duties to support the Palestinian people.” This is in conjunction with the national campaign to support and support the Palestinian people. In the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Professor Muhammad Al-Dhifani, the President of the University, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Fouad Hanash, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Azal University, Engineer Muhammad Al-Wadaei, the President of Tuntec International University, Dr. Wael Al-Aghbari, the deans of colleges, heads of departments, and the university’s academic and administrative staff.


 The symposium opened with a speech by the university’s president, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, in which he stressed that the university stands by the Palestinian people and supports their just cause.


 The University President urged the participants to interact with the trends aimed at supporting and assisting the Palestinian people in various fields and at the level of marches, boycotts and other aspects that support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their victory over their enemies.


 The symposium, presented by Professor Abu Zaid, aimed to shed light on the Palestinian issue, as it is the central issue of the Arab and Islamic nation, and to discuss ways to support the Palestinian people in the face of the Israeli occupation.


 The symposium stressed the need to continue supporting the Palestinian cause by all available means, and the importance of Arab and Islamic unity in confronting the Israeli occupation.


 This symposium comes within the framework of national trends and efforts made to support the Palestinian cause, and the role relied upon by universities to highlight the suffering of the Palestinians and spread awareness of the danger of the Zionist entity. And enhancing awareness of the nation’s duty to support the Palestinian people in their just struggle to regain their homeland and defeat the occupation.



