Emirates International University



Saturday, 16 March, 2024
Launching a training course on administrative work ethics for university staff

Launching a training course on administrative work ethics for university staff


 University media


 In the presence of the representative of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Muhammad Al-Dhifani, the University President, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mawfri, inaugurated today, Saturday, the training course on administrative work ethics for the university’s administrative staff.


 The course, which lasts for four days, aims to enhance awareness of the importance of administrative work ethics among university employees, and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to translate these ethics into positive behaviors to improve the work environment, increase productivity, and increase the confidence of employees and management.


 In his opening speech, University President Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari stressed the importance of administrative work ethics in achieving a positive and effective work environment, noting that these ethics are a basis for building trust and respect among employees, enhancing the spirit of teamwork, and improving the quality of work.


 The university president touched on the most important principles that employees must have in the work environment, such as integrity, responsibility, justice, respect, cooperation, and other values.


 For his part, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Washli, the training course trainer, explained that the course will include the concept and principles of administrative work ethics and its importance, the application of administrative work ethics in the work environment, and skills for dealing with difficult situations in the work environment.


 During the lecture, Al-Washli noted that administrative work ethics is one of the most important factors that contribute to building a positive and effective work environment. It defines the behaviors and practices that administrators must follow to ensure a fair, transparent, safe and productive work environment.


 The opening was attended by: Vice President of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Fouad Ismail Hanash, deans of colleges, dean of quality, heads of scientific departments, a number of faculty members and their assistants, and all administrative and technical staff at the university.


