Emirates International University



Thursday, 07 March, 2024
A speech event commemorating the anniversary of the martyr leader and the president martyr at the Emirates University in Sana’a

A speech event commemorating the anniversary of the martyr leader and the president martyr at the Emirates University in Sana’a


 Sanaa - Sheba Agency:


 Today, a speech event was held in Sanaa on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyr Commander Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi and the martyr President Saleh al-Sammad, organized by the Emirates International University in cooperation with the University Student Forum.


 The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, stressed the importance of commemorating this occasion to remember the memory of the two great martyrs and recall their lives and positions in confronting the forces of tyranny and supporting the oppressed.


 He also stressed that the martyr president followed the path of the martyr leader in moving against the forces of tyranny and arrogance and confronting the project of American hegemony in the region, pointing to the identity and Quranic project that the martyr leader carried to protect the nation from false beliefs and false cultures.


 He touched on the conspiracies of the Jews to sow discord and disagreement among the people of the nation and the means and methods they have used to target the people of the nation since the Basel Conference in Switzerland 1897 AD through moral deviation and religious distortion, reviewing the virtues of the martyr leader and the martyr president and their forward-looking vision regarding the dimensions and conspiracies of the American-Israeli-Saudi-Emirati aggression against Yemen some time ago. Early on the Palestinian issue.


 Dr. Sharaf Al-Din pointed to the achievements achieved at the military level and the transition from the defense stage to the attack through the development of defense capabilities, military industries, and unmanned aerial vehicles within the framework of implementing the project of the martyr President Al-Sammad Al-Nahdawi, “A Hand that Protects, a Hand that Builds.”


 While the President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, stressed the importance of recalling moments from the lives of the martyr Commander Hussein Al-Houthi and the martyr President Al-Samad and making them a model for following their path at a time when nations failed and regimes rushed to normalize and stand with the Zionist enemy in its aggression against Gaza.


 Dr. Al-Mofari reviewed the role of the martyr leader in revealing the nature of the conflict with the forces of arrogance, America and Israel, and their tools in the region, his cracks in the truth, and his call to confront their conspiracies from an early stage, as well as the role of the martyr, the leader, a man of responsibility, management, and leadership, in establishing the rules of development work and embodying it in reality.


 He considered the anniversary of the martyrdom of President Al-Samad a milestone to inspire the meanings of sacrifice and bravery in the face of the forces of global arrogance, noting that the martyr Al-Samad represented the sincere national orientation through his movements and activities characterized by seriousness and his constant keenness to touch the needs of the citizen, the sick and the wounded.


 The event, which was attended by the University's Secretary General, Dr. Fouad Hanash, college deans, department heads, faculty members, and a group of students, included artistic performances and documentary presentations expressing the virtues of the two martyrs.

