Emirates International University



Sunday, 28 January, 2024
The UAE University participates in the second scientific competition for Yemeni university students

The UAE University participates in the second scientific competition for Yemeni university students


 University media


 The UAE University, represented by the College of Dentistry, participated in the second scientific competition for Yemeni university students, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, within the framework of the National Vision projects.


 The competition includes the specializations of “dentistry, general pharmacy, Sharia and law, and English language” within the competitive competitions project. The scientific competition, which is organized over two days by the Ministry’s Educational Affairs Sector, with the participation of 305 male and female students representing 29 public and private universities from the capital, Sana’a, and various governorates, aims to motivate students to be diligent and diligent, discover talents and creativity, and acquire and exchange experiences and knowledge among university students.”


 The competition was inaugurated by Professor Hussein Hazeb, Minister of Higher Education, and a number of speeches were delivered at the opening by the Minister of Higher Education and Undersecretary Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qanis, and the President of Sana’a University, Dr. Al-Qasim Abbas, in the presence of a number of Undersecretaries and heads of public and private universities.


 In addition, the Minister of Higher Education, the President of Sana'a University, and the ministry's leaders were briefed on the progress of the scientific competition held at the examination center at the College of Dentistry at Sana'a University, the mechanism and steps of the competition, and the mechanism for selecting the winners electronically.


