Emirates International University



Wednesday, 24 January, 2024
إختتام البرنامج التدريبي لكادر الجامعة الإداري حول إدارة الوقت وضغوط العمل وتكريم المشاركين

Concluding the training program for the university’s administrative staff on time management and work pressures, and honoring the participants


 University media


 Today, Wednesday, the training program for specialists from the university’s administrative staff, on time management and work pressures, was concluded, implemented with funding from the Skills Development Fund, in partnership with the Kafal Development Foundation, in the presence of the representative of the Board of Directors, Mr. Muhammad Al-Tifani, the University President, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, and the Secretary-General, Dr. Fouad Hanash. And the head of the Kafl Foundation, Mr. Ali Baydan, and Ms. Jamila Al-Sharjabi, the planning officer at the Development and Quality Assurance Center.


 The training program, which lasted for 10 days, with the participation of 20 specialists from various departments at the university, covered a group of topics related to time management and organization, how to set priorities, and time management in teamwork, in addition to topics related to work pressures.


 During the conclusion of the training program, the representative of the Board of Directors, Mr. Muhammad Al-Dhifani, stressed the importance of time management and work pressures, as they are among the most important skills that the administrative staff must possess, because of their role in raising productivity and job efficiency.


 For his part, the President of the University, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, indicated that the training program contributed to providing employees with the necessary skills to manage time and work pressures, which will help them perform their tasks efficiently and effectively.


 The University President stressed the importance of continuing to work on developing the administrative capabilities and skills of the university staff, which contributes to raising the level of their performance and completion of the tasks assigned to them. In advance, thanks and appreciation go to the Kafl Development Foundation for its efforts in organizing this program.


 The head of the Kafl Foundation, Mr. Ali Baydan, praised the level of university employees participating in the training program, stressing that the program had achieved its desired goals, by introducing participants to the importance of time management and work pressures, and how to deal with them.


 At the conclusion of the training program, the Kafal Development Foundation honored the university president and the Secretary-General with the foundation’s shield, and the program participants were also honored with certificates of participation.


