Emirates International University



Monday, 15 January, 2024
A training program for students of the Information Technology Department, level 4, at Sabafon Communications Company

A training program for students of the Information Technology Department, level 4, at Sabafon Communications Company


 University media


 Within the framework of cooperation between the UAE University and Sabafon Communications Company, to enhance the partnership between the educational and private sectors, and provide training opportunities for students, Sabafon Communications Company launched a training program for students of the University’s fourth-level Information Technology Department.


 The training program aims to provide students with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to work in the field of information technology, communications and networks, and to introduce them to the latest technologies used in this field.


 The program will last for 15 days, and the training will be intensive, as students will receive practical training on the various technologies used in the field of communications.


 The program is presented by a group of experts in the field of communications and information technology from SabaFon.


 At the end of the program, students will receive a training certificate accredited by Sabafon Communications Company.


